Educational Platform for patients and physicians

Contact us

You have a question? Write to us - we will get back to you!

The Foundation for the Development of Ophthalmology “OPHTHALMOLOGY 21”
Adam Mickiewicz Street 24/3b
60-836 Poznań
Greater Poland Voivodeship
NIP: 7811880464
REGON: 302211861
KRS: 0000432232
tel. 533 335 845

Polish “Presbyopia 21” Club section

The Polish “Presbyopia 21” Club was established in April 2016 in Poznań, Poland, by Professor Andrzej Grzybowski. The creation of this first-ever Polish group of experts on presbyopia was motivated by the ophthalmologic community’s virtually unanimous view that access to reliable knowledge on modern presbyopia correction methods was insufficient.

The club brings together Polish and international ophthalmology practitioners and professors interested in modern methods for presbyopia correction.

Foundation for Supporting the Development of Ophthalmology (Ophthalmology 21)

Adam Mickiewicz Street 24/3b
60-836 Poznań
Greater Poland Voivodeship
NIP: 7811880464

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